(1) Zhirong Li; Lulu Zhang; Zhanzhong Wang; Xiongli Kang; Huiying Jin; Wenjie Zhao*; Jun Zhang*; Haiquan Su; Quantification of Phosphatidylserine Molecules on the Surface of Individual Cells Using Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96:676-684.(TOP一区,IF7.4)
(2) Zhirong Li, Jiandong Jia*, Wenjie Zhao*, Leilei Jiang, Wenfei Tian. Seawater as supplemental moisture: The effect of Co-hydrothermal carbonization products obtained from chicken manure and cornstalk. Journal of Environmental Management 2023; 345:118819.(TOP一区,IF8.3)
(3) Xiaomei Yang, Zhirong Li, Jun Zhang * and Wenjie Zhao*. Identification of two SPRY isoforms SPRY1and SPRY3 by atomic force microscopy at the single-molecule level. Analyst 2022, 147(24):5694-5700. (二区,IF 4.2)